17th September 1909

A letter was read from Mr. Taylor in reference to the HMI’s Report as to the state of the Infants’ Department, mentioning that the District Administrative Sub-committee considered the report as most unsatisfactory and requesting the Managers to inform Mrs. Andrew that in future, “all her clerical work must be done outside School hours, in order she may devote all her time to teaching”.

16th October 1914

A letter was read from the Secretary for Elementary Education in the County as to the appointment of a Senior Woman Assistant Teacher in the School, “whose duties shall include the special supervision of the girls, and the responsibility of needlework materials”. After consideration it was resolved that, “Miss Kate Frape be appointed at a salary of £5 in excess of the ordinary scale for performing the special duties above mentioned: this recommendation being subject to the confirmation of the Administrative Sub-committee”.

18th March 1910

A letter from Mr. Taylor was read concerning the, “low temperature in both departments”. It was decided to request the Caretaker to light the fires an hour earlier in the morning. The “Temperature Register” was ordered to be presented at the next meeting!

22nd June 1917

The Chairman, “made touching reference to the death of the Vicar, and to the great loss which the Schools had sustained by his death. He paid a high tribute to his devotedness wholeheartedness and untiring zeal in connection with the Schools which were always dear to his heart – which sentiments were heartily endorsed by all present. A vote of condolence was passed and Mr. Dowson was instructed to convey the same to Mrs. Cort and family”.


School Managers’ Minute Book

1909 to 1919

9 July 1909

The Managers’ Minute Book records a meeting of the Managers on 9th July 1909.

Present: Revd. JP Cort (Chairman), Messrs. Coppock, McDonald and Hesketh (with apologies from Mr. Morley).

Mr. Ballance, HMI, had visited the Infants’ Department (19 May 1909) and a report received on 18 June 1909.

There appears to have been issues in the Infants’ Department and it was resolved to ask Mrs Andrew [the Head Mistress of the Infants’ School] for her observations and to forward these to Mr. Ward [County Council], who was to be informed that, “they were willing to act in any way that the County Council could suggest, in order that a better state of efficiency in that Department might be attained”.

A sub-committee was appointed to prepare a scheme to address the condition of the premises.

As to the Medical Inspection of children, “a letter was read from Mr. Ward”. Mr. Dowson (Head Teacher) reported that Dr. Lawrance had visited the Schools that day and, “had examined 80 children, including those who would be leaving School before 31st July 1909”.

Mr. Coppock tendered his resignation as treasurer, on the ground of ill-health – accepted with, “very great regret”.

17th September 1909

Meeting attended by Revd. JP Cort (Chairman) and Messrs. Coppock, McDonald, Hesketh and Tennant.

A letter was read from Mr. Taylor in reference to the HMI’s Report as to the state of the Infants’ Department, mentioning that the District Administrative Sub-committee considered the report as most unsatisfactory and requesting the Managers to inform Mrs. Andrew that in future, “all her clerical work must be done outside School hours, in order she may devote all her time to teaching”.

Mrs. Leigh had resigned as Caretaker due to ill-health. This was accepted, “with much regret”. There had been 19 applications for the vacant post of School Cleaner. Four were selected for interview: Mrs. Woodall, 58, Old Hall Road; Mrs. S Edwards, 5, Hampson Street; Mrs. C Ledger, 25, Victoria Road; Mrs. A Handforth, South Grove.

Issues discussed included, “compensation to teachers” and the issue of obtaining quotations for the insurance of teachers. A scheme for, “the transfer of the Department, with a rough plan of the proposed alterations was submitted” and it was resolved that it be submitted to the District Administrative Sub-committee and, if approved, to the County Council to see if they would comply with the requirement of the Board of Education.

Mr. Tennant tendered his resignation as a School Manager as he was shortly leaving the neighbourhood. This was accepted, “with very deep regret”.

10th December 1909

It was reported that instructions had been given to Mr. L Tennant to, “prepare plans for the proposed alterations”.

Mr. Coppock read a letter from the organisers of the Concert in aid of the friends of the League of Pity, in which it was stated that the, “Concert had proved a complete failure” and asking that the charge for the room might be reduced. The charge of one guinea was remitted.

It was resolved that, in the future, every application for the hire of the room must be made to the Head Master who, “is authorised to obtain payment for the same”.

It was proposed that Mr. F S Churchill be co-opted as a Manager in place of Mr. Tennant and that he be asked to act as Treasurer, “during the next few months”.

Miss Bannister had resigned her post of Teacher in the Infants’ School, on account of her approaching marriage. Also, Miss. E Blomiley had resigned on account of the distance from her home. Both resignations were, “accepted with much regret”. An advertisement had been inserted in “The Schoolmaster”.

The Headmaster reported that, “owing to the inclement weather the children had not been sent that day to the park”. This action, “was fully endorsed by the Managers”.

Mrs. C Ledger had been appointed as Caretaker.

An application had been received from the National Telephone Company (NTC) for permission to erect a pole in the schoolyard at the back of the Infants’ School, with and annual rent of 5/-. After some discussion, it was resolved that the Managers were willing only to accede for 7/6!

7th January 1910

It was reported that the NTC had agreed to pay an annual rent of 7/6.

It was reported that the Infants’ School was understaffed. 23 applications had been received for the vacant posts in the Mixed and Infants’ Departments and six had been selected to, “appear before the Chairman and Headmaster”.

It was resolved that:
 • Miss. M Lawrie of Deganesy be appointed Teacher of Standard ii, failing whom, Miss Bertha Goffin of Lymm (to commence on 1st February).
 • Miss. M Brownhill of Sale be appointed a teacher in the Infants’ School (from 10th January, at £45pa).
and, if the staff of the Infants’ Department has to be increased:
• Miss. Large of Sandiacre be appointed as an additional teacher (to commence 1st March).

There is reference to signing the “Agreement Forms” of Mr. Bellamy and the Misses. Quirk and Quilliam (presumably other members of staff).

18th March 1910

It was reported that a letter had been received from Mr. Hale, stating that the County Education Authority, “would not consent to the appointment of an Uncertificated Teacher in the Infants’ Department …”. The matter was deferred.

A letter from Mr. Taylor was read concerning the, “low temperature in both departments”. It was decided to request the Caretaker to light the fires an hour earlier in the morning. The “Temperature Register” was ordered to be presented at the next meeting!

Mrs. Vaux had resigned her position as teacher in the Mixed Department owing to her removal to Leicester. This was accepted, “with very great regret”. It was reported that Miss Isabel Quirk had been successful in passing the Certificate Examination and was, “willing to remain in the School” (on terms that had been agreed).

The plans of the proposed alterations were discussed. The Report of the HM Inspector on the condition of the Infants Department was read and, “discussed at length”. In view of, “the unsatisfactory nature of this … Miss. Andrew be asked to send in her resignation as Head Mistress …”. It was suggested, “Mrs. Andrew might be appointed Certificated Assistant in the School until such a time as she might become entitled to receive the Teachers’ Superannuation allowance when she reached the stated age …”.

A letter from Mr. Richard P Ward, Director of Education, Cheshire County Council (6th April 1910), presented a “salary sheet” adopted from 1st April 1910.

10th June 1910

A letter was read from Mrs. Andrew, Head Mistress of the Infants’ School, giving three month’s notice to terminate her engagement. It was, “resolved that the same be accepted”.

A sub-committee was appointed (Chairman and Mr. Morley) to confer with Messrs. Wainwright and Nixon in regard to a new appointment. It was agreed that an, “application be made to the County Authority for permission to appoint a Certificated Assistant Mistress in the Infants’ Department in the place of Miss. Brownhill; and to transfer Miss. Brownhill to the Infants’ Department in the place of Mrs. Vaux resigned”.

A letter was read from Mrs. Andrew stating that, “all the classes in the Infants’ School were overcrowded, and that there was urgent need for an additional Teacher to be appointed, especially as the two Uncertificated Teachers only count each for 35 …”. The committee resolved to take no action in the matter.

It was reported that, “Miss. Horrocks had been absent from School from April 12 to 15 in consequence of the death of her mother”.

Numbers (Total 568): Mixed 302, Infants 266.

A letter was, “read from Dr. Young pointing out certain defects in the School premises and in the yards”. The attention of the Head Teacher, “was to be drawn to the want of sufficient towels in both departments”. The Caretaker was instructed to, “see to the fastening up of the closets at night and to keep the same in a cleaner state”.

The question of the cleaning and painting of the Schools was considered. It was resolved that a sub-committee be appointed to, “ascertain what decorations are necessary and to procure three of four tenders for the work that may be necessary …”.

15th July 1910

Letter read from Mr. Ward stating that Miss. Bertha Goffin, “was now recognised as an uncertificated teacher under Schedule 1c of the Code”.

Estimates for the painting and cleaning of the Schools: Mr. E Robinson, £57-15-0; Mr. J H Taverns, £36-10-0 (accepted, to be completed before August 12th); Mr. F Holland, £48-15-0; Messrs. Rawcliffe, £52-8-6.

A plan was submitted, “showing the land required by the Urban District Council for the widening of Trinity Road”. Resolved, “that the position of the School yard required for the widening of the road be granted on terms to be afterwards arranged, and on the express condition that the boundary wall be rebuilt free of cost and to the satisfaction of the Managers”.

The applications (22) for the post of Head Mistress of the Infants’ Department were considered. Miss. Gee appeared before the Committee, which “unanimously recommended her appointment on the condition that some appointment could be offered to Mrs. Andrew in an Elementary School in the district”.

9th September 1910

A letter was read from the Chairman of the Sale UDC stating that, “Mr. John Hesketh had been appointed as a Manager of St Anne’s School”.

Mr. Tavern’s bill was £36-10 and the Treasurer was instructed to arrange with the Manager of Lloyd’s Bank for an overdraft.

The plans for the proposed alterations of the Schools were returned, “and a letter giving the decision of the Board of Education in reference to them was read”. After consideration of the letter, “it was resolved the alterations as specified on the plans be not proceeded with, and that the Managers take immediate steps to carry out the necessary additions to the Infants’ School as detailed in the report of HMI dated June 15th 1908, and that plans be prepared. The principal reason for the decision being that the extra accommodation allowed for the Mixed Department was so small that after the alterations the proposed Schoolroom for Senior Children would not be recognised for more that 120 Scholars – This would give less than 20 additional places ...”.

4th November 1910

The proposed alterations to the School were considered and, “it was resolved that plans be prepared, (a) for the sub-division of the large room of the Infants’ School by means of a moveable partition, and (b) for the provision of a new heating apparatus on the west side of the School …”.

Further, it was resolved that, “the surface of the playground be nor proceeded with until the other work is completed”.

A letter was read from the Royal Exchange Assurance of London, “pointing out that recent cases in the Law Courts showed the serious liability incurred by School Managers in respect of compensation for injuries sustained by Scholars owing to the negligence of Assistants on defects in the School furniture on premises”. Inquiries to be made with a view to such insurance being effected.

Resolved that, “the appointment of Miss. Gee as Head Mistress of the Infants’ Department be confirmed …”. 20 applications had been received for the position.

The formal notice was read, dated November 2nd 1910, stating that, “it was the intention of the Urban District Council to repair Trinity Road, in which the School is situated, such road “being a highway repairable” by those whose premises front, or adjoin on certain parts of the said road requiring to be made good”.

The new timetable for the Infants’ School was, “ordered to be signed by the Chairman.

It was decided not to apply at present for an additional Teacher in the Infants’ School, the numbers in attendance not requiring further assistance. Nor was an additional Teacher at the present time needed in the Upper Department …”. It was resolved to apply to the LEA for the recognition of Miss. Quirk as a Certificated Assistant.

A letter was read from the Secretary of the “Starlettes” asking for the use of the Schoolroom occasionally for rehearsal. Granted at the charge of 1/- per night.

7th April 1911

A discussion took place on the insurance of school children, as the Managers were liable in case of accident. It was resolved, “that terms be obtained from two or three societies. It was resolved that all teachers as well as other officials in connection with the School be insured under the Compensation Act (Workman’s)”.

A letter was read from Mr. Taylor, “complaining the temperature of several of the rooms in the School had been much below the minimum required by the regulations”.

A letter was also read from Mr. Taylor, “asking if the Head Master had rearranged his staff so as to avoid a teacher recognised as Uncertificated being in charge of Stand. ii, which shows an average attendance for the past year of over 60 Scholars”.

A reply was ordered to be sent, “to the following effect: It had been considered by the Managers carefully and they wish to point out that that teacher in charge of Stand. ii was Miss. Quirk, a Certificated Teacher, but working as an Uncertificated Teacher: That there were only 58 children on the Books, not over 60 as stated in the letter: That last year there were two Teachers, one of whom (Miss. Goffin) had been transferred from Stand. ii to take charge of Stand. i (a). This was on the resignation of Mrs. Vaux, and that no application had been made to fill her place. It would be difficult to rearrange the present staff”. The Managers therefore, “ask that Miss. Quirk may be recognised as a Certificated Teacher, thus saving the appointment of an additional Teacher for Stand. ii”.

A letter was read informing the Managers that, “the Board of Education were prepared to approve of the plans for the erection of glazed partitions in the School, subject to the playground being divided by a fence: and further it was stated that the accommodation of the large room had been fixed on the basis of two classes of 50 each in the large portion, and one class of 60 in the small portion, thus reducing the accommodation to 193 Infant Scholars”.

The Managers were, “quite willing to give an assurance that a fence will be provided; but at the same time they wished to point out that the boys could not get to the offices if the fence was erected at the points marked in the plan”. The Managers also, “desire to protest most strongly against the reduction of the accommodation in the Infant School from 263 to 193, as they consider the proposal most unfair …”.

26th July 1911

An application had been made through Mr. Taylor for the recognition of Miss. Quirk as a Certificated Teacher but nothing had been heard.

Letter read from Mr. Ward stating that the Board of Education, “had reduced the accommodation of the Infant School from 266 to 193, when the screens are erected”. It was resolved that a letter be written, “protesting in the strongest manner possible against this proposed reduction”.

The Treasurer was instructed to write to Mr. Leonard Tennant, “asking him to prepare two separate estimates: one for the partition to be taken to the top of the room: and the other half way to the ceiling”.

A letter was read from Miss. Goffin tendering her resignation as an Uncertificated Teacher in the Mixed Department owing to her appointment to a post nearer to home (Lymm). The resignation was, “accepted with much regret”. It was resolved to apply to the Authority to appoint a teacher in her place.

It was reported that, “an application has been made by the Village Band … for the use of a room in the School on one night per week”. It was decided at grant permission for a three months’ trial and that, “no one beyond those connected with the Band be allowed on the premises at the time of the practices”. Charge: 1/- and an additional 6d. for the Caretaker.

22nd September 1911

Seven applications had been received for the post vacated by Miss Goffin. The Managers had interviewed three candidates. Miss. Rebecca C Jones of Buxton was appointed.

It was reported that a new Circular had been received relating to the marking of the Registers and the Regulations referring to the duties of the Managers were duly noted.

A letter was read from the Secretary of the School Government Mutual Guarantee Society, “in reference to the Insurance of Day School Children”. It was, “reported that the children had already been insured in the Royal Insurance Society at a premium of 10/- …”. Resolved that the Teachers be insured in the Local Government Guarantee Society, and that a covering note in connection with the same be obtained till the completion of the policy”.

After some discussion connected with the heating of the Infants’ School, it was resolved that, “estimates be obtained from Messrs Gratrix Ltd., Manchester, Messrs Baxendale & Co., M’/chester, Messrs Hallewell & Co., Victoria Street, Manchester, for the heating of the Infants’ Room by means of pipes or radiators, which must keep up the temperature to not less than 55o, and that the Treasurer be asked to see Mr. SL Tennant as to the best means to be adopted …”.

A letter was read, “explaining the plans for the erection of the partitions in the two Schools. The plans were also presented …”. After discussion it was decided to, “leave the matter in abeyance until the heating of the Infants’ room had been decided upon”.

The timetable for the Mixed Department was approved. It was reported that, “a girl attending St Anne’s Schools had been successful in gaining one of the two Scholarships awarded by the County Council for the Sale area”.

10th November 1911

The estimates for the heating of the Infants’ Department had been received. The heating by hot water pipes was, “altogether too expensive”. Two estimates for the heating by means of radiators were submitted and it was decided that the estimate of Mr. JE Shorrocks for £13-5 be accepted and that the work should be put in hand at once.

A Memorandum was read from the Board of Education, dated October 17th, in reference to the compulsory erection of screens in the Infants’ School. It was resolved to, “defer the matter for further consideration at the next meeting”.

A letter from Mr. Ward was read concerning the Insurance of children in Non-Provided Schools. The Correspondent was, “instructed to inform Mr. Ward that the children were already insured in the Royal Insurance Mutual Guarantee Socy. Ltd.”.

A copy of the new County Bye-Laws relating to the employment of children was presented. The Head-Master reported that, “there was a certain amount of irregularity and want of punctuality still caused by children taking out milk, etc.”.   It was resolved that the Head Master be, “instructed to make a note of all such irregularities, and to report the same to the Managers”.

It was resolved that Miss. R Jones’ agreement be signed.

The following accounts were passed for payment: Educational Supply Assocn., 6-0; Willocks, 4-2; JE Shorrocks, 3-16-1.

19th January 1912

A sub-committee meeting. The resignations of Miss. Quirk and Miss. Quilliam were read. It was reported that two applications for the post of Certificated Teacher had been received. One of the applicants, Miss. Lilian Tanswell, was interviewed and appointment recommended to the Managers. The date of her appointment was to be from February 1st 1912, at a salary of £70 (according to the County scale).

It was recommended that, “application be made to the County Committee for the supply of 7 Teachers High Chairs (No 5), 2 Teachers’ Desks, one cupboard for Teachers’ Cloaks & Hats, 6ft x 4½ft x 13ft deep & 2 door mats, 36 x 3”. These were specially recommended by Mr Balance, HMI.

A letter was read from the Head Master, “calling attention to the state of the walls in Standard I classroom, caused by the snow melting & the water being forced up the slates”. Recommended that the matter be put in hand at once and that snowboards be provided.

26th January 1912

Reported that Miss. Lilian Tanswell had been selected out of 4 applications to succeed Miss. Quirk, and that no applications had been received for the post rendered vacant by Miss Quilliam. Miss. Tanswell’s appointment was confirmed, subject to the approval of the Education Committee.

A requisition for teachers’ desks and chairs was signed. It was resolved to have snowboards provided for the gutter on the roof of the Mixed Department.

Reported that the teachers had been insured against accident in the Local Government Mutual Guarantee Society.

A letter was read from Mr. Taylor in reference to the “Fair Wear and Tear Clause” asking that the claim be sent in at once. Reported that a claim had already been made.

A letter was read from the Director of Education on the question of “out of date” school bills, stating that the Education Committee had resolved that, “unless accounts for goods supplied to the various schools were submitted to the respective Administrative Sub-committees for the Districts within six months from the date of the liability was incurred, the County Council would decline to recognise any liability to pay the same”.

A Circular letter from the Education Committee as to “Reports on Teachers” was read. Reported that, “the conduct, regularity and punctuality of the Teachers was quite satisfactory”.

A letter was received from Miss. Gee, “in reference to the boy, Charles Bond, transferred to Worthington Road Council School. After careful consideration of the facts of the case, the Committee decided to let the matter drop”.

Resolved that the screens be erected and that application be made to the Bowdon Church Day Schools Association for a loan of £50: to be repaid in annual instalments of £15.

Account passed for payment: Wm. Brownhills, 21/4.

14th June 1912

Reported that Miss. L Tanswell had commenced her duties on February 1st.

Reported that 2 high chairs and two teachers’ desks had been supplied by the County Council, “instead of four as asked for”.

The Chairman had written to the County Education Committee, stating that, “the Managers had decided to erect the screens; and … pointed out that the Managers strongly objected to the reduction in the accommodation through the erection of the same”.

Resolved, “that the estimate of Mr. Pierce and Norquoy for the erection of the screens at a cost of £92-10 be accepted: the work to be completed during the summer vacation”.

Resolved that the agreement of Miss. Tanswell be signed.

It was resolved, “to make immediate application to the County Education Committee for the appointment of an Article 50, to take charge of the lower division of Standard I, on the ground that it was impossible to work these in one Standard, owing to the very varying capacities of the children”.

Reported that the sum of one guinea, “had been received from the Cycle Club toward the School funds”.

Following bills passed for payment: ‘Home Words’, School Stamps, £ 1-18-10; SPCK, £10-18-1½; Mr. Lewis, 1-0

15th November 1912

Reported that the two screens had been erected at a cost of £93-15 and that, “they were most satisfactory”.

Resolved that Mr JW Sidebotham, “be written to, asking for a loan of £100 from the Bowdon Day Schools Association”.

Resolved, “that the Chairman make enquiries from Messrs. Bethell & Sons as to the best way to repair the School yard, and the probable cost …”.

Following accounts passed for payment: J Smith & Co., £ 3-10-9; C Ledger, 7-0.

17th January 1913

Reported that Mr. Sidebotham, “has been written to, asking for a loan of £100, and that £75 had been granted; the same to be repairs in annual instalments of £15 each”.

A letter was read from Mr. Ward in the matter of the Architect’s Certificate for the erections of the screens, etc.. The matter had been explained to the LEA and Mr Ward had replied stating that he had place the matter before the Board of Education.

Letter reads from Mr. Taylor, “as to the suggested alteration of the staffing of the School given in Mr. Hale’s Report”. After careful consideration, the following resolution was passed:

“The Managers have considered Mr. Hale’s report, and they very much regret that they cannot see their way to carry out his recommendations for the following reasons:

1. “Miss. Jones is a capable disciplinarian, has the children well under control, and thoroughly understands the working of the Class.
2. Miss. Jones will probably leave the County if she has to resign.
3. Miss. Jones sat for her Certificate in December last, and therefore the Managers ask for the matter to be deferred until the result is known.””.

The Chairman had seen Messrs. Bethel Bros. as to the repair of the School yard. They had stated that both gravel and red shale would be unsatisfactory. Their estimate for asphalting the font and back of the Schools would be £110, and the Girls’ yard £17. This was laid before the Managers and it was decided that, “owing to the lack of funds, it was found impossible to carry out the whole work”. It was further resolved, “to obtain an estimate for doing the work in sections …”.

21st February 1913

At a Special Meeting it was resolved, “That the Managers are able to give a satisfactory report as to the general conduct and regularity etc. of all Teachers at work in the Schools during the past twelve months, and heartily recommend the Teachers for an advance of salary”.

15th March 1913

Reported that Mr. Pettener had been appointed by the Sale Urban District Council to the Board of Management of St Anne’s Church Schools.

Reported that the Headmaster had been absent from his duties since February 11th owing to illness.

A letter was read from Mr. EA Bellamy resigning his position as an Assistant Teacher in the Schools on the grounds of ill-health.

Recommendation to appoint Mr. Hughes as Mr. Bellamy’s successor.

25th October 1913

Form ix, “was filled up and duly signed”. All other business was deferred.

14th March 1914

A letter (26th January) was read from Miss. R Tanswell, “resigning her position as Assistant in the Mixed Department owing to ill-health her engagement to terminate on February 28th”. It was reported that a subsequent letter (5th February) had been received, “asking that her engagement might terminate on January 31st”. This letter had been forwarded to the LEA and their approval had been obtained. The Managers accepted the resignation.

Four applications had been received for a successor to Miss. Tanswell. One of these, Mrs. Haggerston (nee Parkinson) was selected; her engagement to commence on April 1st at a salary of £70pa subject to the approval of the LEA.

The Memorandum of Agreement of Mr. Hughes was signed.

A bill for 2/3due to Mr. A Gray for repairs to the piano in the Infants’ School was presented. After discussion, “it was resolved to send the same to the Committee of the Gymnasium for payment as they were responsible for the damage caused …”.

HMI’s Report on the Infants’ Department was read. After, “careful consideration of the same the Managers resolved that as far as practicable they would see that the several points mentioned therein, and the improvements suggested, were carried out”.

The Punishment Book was presented. Application was made by the Headteacher, “for permission to be given to Mr. Wood to administer corporal punishment during the Head master’s absence … resolved that the necessary permission be granted”.

25th May 1914

Special meeting. Sun-committee reported on, “interview of Mrs. Sarah J Brown as the successor to Miss. L Tanswell, resigned”. They recommended her appointment. Applications and testimonials read and considered and it was resolved that the appointment be confirmed.

Reported that Mrs. Brown had commenced duty on Monday, May 4th, subject to the confirmation of her appointment by the LEA.

16th October 1914

Present: Messrs. McDonald (who took the Chair), Coppock and Churchill.
Apologies: Revd. JP Cort

The report on the Mixed Department by HMI Mr. WJG Winn on June 8th was read by the Chairman and, “was considered to be most satisfactory”.

In reference to, “the following paragraph in the same “The work is on the whole judiciously assessed by the Head Master, although his records in some case are hardly as full as they might be” – the Head Master presented the records in question. The Managers, after having carefully inquired into the same, unanimously considered that the Records were quite full enough, very thorough, and concise and to amplify the same would be absurd”.

A letter was read from the LEA in reference to the Lettering of the Class Rooms. It was unanimously decided to, “make application to the LEA for their own workmen to carry out the work”.

A letter was read from the Secretary for Elementary Education in the County as to the appointment of a Senior Woman Assistant Teacher in the School, “whose duties shall include the special supervision of the girls, and the responsibility of needlework materials”. After consideration it was resolved that, “Miss Kate Frape be appointed at a salary of £5 in excess of the ordinary scale for performing the special duties above mentioned: this recommendation being subject to the confirmation of the Administrative Sub-committee”.

The Punishment Book was presented and examined. Mrs. Brown’s Agreement Form was signed.

28th November 1914

Application for the use of the School received from:

(a) Mrs. Proctor Pearson for an entertainment in aid of ‘Linden Lea’ Red Cross Hospital (11th December)
(b) Mr. JH Turner for a concert early in the New Year in aid of the Belgian and Local Relief Funds

Both applications, “had to be refused as the Managers had decided at a previous meeting not to let the Schools for outside purposes”.

A letter was read from Mr. W Taylor, “stating that the Local Sob-Committee had decided that the half-day holiday fixed for the Altrincham Show should be reserved as an emergency holiday, and id not taken before the summer holidays should be taken immediately before such holidays, in the same manner as the remaining emergency holidays, if any, are dealt with”.

Reported that the screen in the Mixed Department needed attention.

11th June 1915

Letters were read from Mrs. Brown and Miss. Jones, “resigning their positions as Assistant Teachers in the Mixed Department. Reported that each Teacher had accepted a post in a School nearer home at an advanced salary”.

Reported that four applications had been received from Certificated Teachers, “two of which came to be interviewed, viz. Miss. Cobb, Leeds Training College, and Miss. Muirhead, Ashton-upon-Mersey”.

The two Teachers were then interviewed, “after which it was resolved … that Miss. Muirhead be appointed …” (from July 1st).

Reported that, “no application had been received from any Uncertificated Teachers. As no application had been received … and as the Classes for which a Teacher is required were large … it was resolved that application be made to the LEA for permission to appoint a Certificated Teacher instead of an Uncertificated one”.

Application was made by Miss. Ashworth for the use of the Schools on Saturday, June 26th - granted.
Mr. Dowson, “reported that the screen in the Mixed Department still needed attention, as it had never worked satisfactorily since its erection”.

5th July 1915

Reported that, “no application had been received from Uncertificated Teachers. As to the application to the LEA to appoint a Certificated Teacher in place of an Uncertificated Teacher: Letters were read from the LEA to say that as the staff of the School is already a strong one, and in view of the great demands there are for CT Teachers in other Schools the application was not likely to be entertained”.

After some discussion it was resolved that, “a letter be sent to the LEA stating the difficulty in obtaining an Uncertificated Teacher, and pointing out the urgent necessity of obtaining a teacher to commence after the holiday …”.

Circulars were read:

(a) The Exemption from School Attendance for employment in Agriculture.
(b) School Collection for War Funds
(c) Salaries for Temporary Teachers

The following estimates for cleaning the Schools were submitted:

Brookes £30-10
Holland £26-18 (accepted, subject to approval of LEA)
Rawcliffe £30-7
Taverns £32-0
Scott £27-5
Robinson £30-10

23rd August 1915

Mr McDonald in the Chair.

Reported that 3 applications had been received for the post of Uncertificated Teacher. These were, “read by the Chairman and (Mrs.) Clara Ainsworth was interviewed … be appointed as and from August 30th at a salary of £55 per annum …”.

The Headmaster, “complained that the Schools were in a dirty state owing to the neglect of the Caretaker. Mrs. Ledger was then asked to explain the cause, but was unable to give a satisfactory reason.

On Mrs. Ledger promising to fulfil her duties in a more satisfactory manner she was to be given a further trial”.

24th September 1915

Letter read from Mrs. Ledger, “resigning her position as Caretaker of the Schools. The resignation was accepted”.

Reported that, “three applications had been received for the post of Caretaker. After the applicants had been interviewed, it was proposed … that Mrs. Woodall be appointed at a salary according to the County Scale. Her duties to commence on October 1st 1915”.

Letter, “read from Mr. Hughes (Assistant Master in the Mixed Department), asking for permission to join HM Forces.

Reported that the application had already been granted by the LEA, and that Mr. Hughes had left the Schools on September 3rd”.

Application made to the LEA for a successor to Mr. Hughes.

The, “supplementary estimate of Mr. Holland, amounting to £2-5, for the additional work necessitated by the repairs to the Mixed Department was accepted”.

12th November 1915

A letter was read from the LEA, “relating to the appointment of a successor to Mr. Hughes. After discussion it was decided to make a further application to the County for a successor in accordance with Clause 3, Page 244 of the Manual”.

The, “new arrangements as to wear and tear etc. in non-provided Schools were considered at some length”.

A letter was read from Mrs. Critchley, “resigning her position as Caretaker of the Schools. The same was accepted”.

Reported that, “Mrs. Williams, a former applicant, was wishful to obtain the post. Mr. Dowson was requested to interview her, and to arrange for her to commence duties on and from December 1st at a salary according to the County scale”.

17th November 1916

Reported that, “application had been made to LEA for a successor to Mr. Hughes … had not been granted”.

Letter read from Mrs. Markham, “asking for leave of absence form duties from Oct. 4th to Nov. 10th owing to illness of mother. Reported that permission – without salary – had been granted by LEA”.

Reported that, “Mrs. Ada Hall had been appointed as Supply Teacher from Oct. 16th to Nov. 10th at a salary of 25/- per week”.

Circular letter read, “referring to other Schools when their own Schools are closed for epidemic”.

Reported that, “the time for commencing the afternoon session had been altered from 1.30 to 1 during the period Nov. 1st to Feb. 28th 1917”.

Reported that the Insurance Co. had, “allowed £20 for re-building of wash house and £17-10 for replacement of furniture and materials caused by the fire”.

Resolved that, “a letter of thanks and appreciation be sent to Mr. Heaton for his kindness in presenting the Schools with Heating apparatus”.

24th March 1917

Letter from Mrs. Williams, “resigning her position of Caretaker of the Schools … accepted”.

Three applications, “had been received, two of whom were interviewed … Mrs. Banner be appointed at a salary according to County Scale, her duties to commence on April 1st”.

Letter received from Mrs. Ainsworth, “tendering her resignation as Assist. Teacher of Stand. I – owing to her removal out of the district and asking to be liberated on Feb. 28th … permission had been granted and that Mrs. Hall had been acting as Supply Teacher from March 5th 1917 … only one application had been received; this was from Miss. Jessie E Burrows of Misterton, Lincolnshire … be appointed at a salary according to County scale … her engagement to date from May 1st”.

Letter read from LEA, “re. use of Room for National Service Scheme which was readily agreed to by the Managers”.

22nd June 1917

The Chairman, “made touching reference to the death of the Vicar, and to the great loss which the Schools had sustained by his death. He paid a high tribute to his devotedness wholeheartedness and untiring zeal in connection with the Schools which were always dear to his heart – which sentiments were heartily endorsed by all present. A vote of condolence was passed and Mr. Dowson was instructed to convey the same to Mrs. Cort and family”.

Mr. Churchill was appointed as Correspondent – pro-tem – of the Schools and the necessary notification to the Bd. of Ed. Was signed by the Chairman (Mr. James McDonald).

Letter read from Mrs. Banner, “resigning her position as Caretaker of the Schools … accepted”. Reported that, “3 applications had been received for the post and the candidates were interviewed … Mrs. Holmes be appointed at a salary according to the County scale – her duties to commence on July 1st”.

16th November 1917

St Anne’s CofE Schools
We he undersigned subscribers of the above schools agree to the election of Mr. HJ Marriott in place of the late Mr. WS Coppock to the Board of Managers:-
FS Churchill
Mary Walker
NR Bowden
Margaret Hall
C Hilton
James McDonald

Mrs Cort’s, “letter of acknowledgement was duly read”.

Resolution, “in favour of the nomination of the Revd. Norman V Scorer to fill the vacancy on the Board of Management caused by the death of the Revd. JP Cort, MA, by a vote of the various subscribers to the School Funds of 2/6 and upwards, which vote was unanimous”.

15th February 1918

Mrs. Holmes’, “letter of application for an advance in wages … be forwarded to the LEA with a strong recommendation for favourable consideration and suggesting an advance equal to 3/- per week be accorded”.

It was suggested, “that a requisition from the School Managers be sent to the Library Committees of the UDC asking them to establish a School Libra for use of the Scholars”.

Resolved that, “the boys Willie Mellor and Albert Jackson be written to demanding the payment of balances due to the Hon, Treasurer for damage done to school property and if necessary to institute proceedings for the recovery of the same”.

A scale of charges, “for the use of the Schoolrooms was a question which it was agreed should be left to the discretion of the Hon. Treasurer and Headmaster”.

Recommended for payment:

GW Brown – for repairs to wheelbarrow 2/9
Charge for tuning the piano made by the Excrs of the late Martin Litolff be referred to the LEA
Superintendent Engineer of Telegraphs be written asking for payment of the charge for wayleaves.

11th November 1918

Resolved that, “application be made in the right quarter for the early return of Mr. Hughes by obtaining his discharge from further military duties”.

6th February 1919

Mrs. Markham’s resignation was accepted and it was resolved, “that she be written to expressing regret for her inability to retain her position as Teacher and that her passes services had been greatly appreciated during the time spent at St. Anne’s Schools”.

Mr Hughes, “having written to say he wished to remain in the army it was ... resolved that we do advertise at once for suitable applicants to fill both vacancies”.

Mr. Scorer was elected as Correspondent for the School in place of Mr. Churchill resigned.

27th February 1919

Miss. JP Booth and Mrs. Alice Gainer were interviewed, “with a view to filling the vacancy caused by Mrs. Markham’s resignation … agreed that Mrs. Gainer be appointed and to commence her duties on Mon. March 3 …”.

Mr Churchill, “wished to be believed of the treasurership of the schools and it was resolved to ask Mr. Hargreaves to fill that post”.

29th September 1919

It was reported that, “Mr. HJ Marriott had been elected a Manager in the place of the late Mr. WS Coppock”.

It was resolved that, “Miss. Minnie Bramhill be appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Lieut Hughes – to commence her duties on Nov. 3rd …”.